Birdy unit
This collection is all from different modifications of bird base. I invented this unit 2010-01-31
Amygdala variation
It was an idea to create a polyhedron with small flowers inside. This Idea is achieved by the grafted bird base.. I invented this variation 2010-01-31.
30 pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Cactus variation
This model is made fom the grafted bird base. I invented this variation 2010-01-31.
30 pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Hibiskus variation
The simple bird base model. I invented this variation 2010-01-31.
30 pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Peacock variation
Grafted bird base model. I invented this variation 2010-01-31.
30 pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Ultraviolet variation
Rather simple model, can be made either from grafted or from blintzed bird base. I invented this variation 2010-01-31.
18, 30 or more pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Campanula variation
Unit is made from waterbomb base. I invented this variation 2010-06-27.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Lyrebird-1 variation
Simple Birdbase unit. I invented this variation 2011-07-09.
12 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Lyrebird-2 variation
Simple Birdbase unit with color change.. I invented this variation 2011-07-09.
12 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

BBB_Star variation
Blintzed bird base modular origami star. Can be made with 8,9,10... units. I invented this variation 2011-07-09.
8 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Lyrebird-1 variation
Simple Birdbase unit.. I invented this variation 2011-08-09.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Birdy-1 variation
Spiky bird base unit.. I invented this variation 2011-07-14.
24 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Ultraviolet-N variation
Ultraviolet unit with modified connection.. I invented this variation 2011-07-14.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Lyrebird variation
Curly modular from bird base.. I invented this variation 2011-07-08.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by Natalia Romanenko