Flamma unit
The family of origami modulars with specific connectors. The connectors are a bit similar to Toshikazu Kawasaki's Sakura.. I invented this unit 2012-10-17
Flamma_double variation
Origami modular with pretty other side colored stars.. I invented this variation 2012-12-04.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Flamma variation
Easy origami unit with complicated strucrure in the end.. I invented this variation 2012-10-17.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Flamma variation
The variation of Flamma origami unit. The angle of stars is changed to 60*, the lakes become the hills.. I invented this variation 2012-10-16.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Airy_Flame variation
The airy variation of Flamma, made from rectangle.. I invented this variation 2012-10-17.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Arch variation
Origami unit with three-dimensional archs.. I invented this variation 2013-01-14.
12 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Flamma variation
Easy origami unit with complicated strucrure in the end.. I invented this variation 2012-10-16.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by Tanya Turova