Hybrid unit
Tessellations that mix different styles.. I invented this unit 2020-04-06
Hybrid variation
It just works! Opus T-274.. I invented this variation 2020-06-18.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-297 variation
Origami tessellation with different sizes of the square. The proportion can be any. When proportion reaches 1:1, it becomes equal to David Huffman tessellation. Opus T-298.. I invented this variation 2020-09-08.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-298 variation
Origami tessellation that combines different sized squares. Proportion may vary. When proportion becomes 1:1 it will be similar to David Huffman's tessellation. Opus T-297.. I invented this variation 2020-09-09.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-288 variation
Hybrid tessellation with squares and octagon spirals. Opus T-288.. I invented this variation 2020-09-15.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-307 variation
Hybrid origami tessellation with hexagons and triangular spirals. Opus T-307.. I invented this variation 2020-11-12.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-309 variation
Origami tessellation with 2 sizes of triangular spirals. Opus T-309.. I invented this variation 2020-11-11.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-269 variation
Origami tessellation with pentagonal spirals and hexagons. Opus T-269.. I invented this variation 2020-08-11.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Miuration-1 variation
Mix of B spirals with Miuura-Ori pattern. Opus T-272.1. I invented this variation 2020-06-15.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Square_Metamorphosis variation
Hybrid origami tessellation with octagonal spirals and squares. Opus T-289.. I invented this variation 2020-07-23.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Miuration-2 variation
Opus T-272.. I invented this variation 2020-06-16.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Ego variation
Hybrid origami tessellation with squares and spirals. Opus T-291.. I invented this variation 2020-07-17.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Stone_Roses variation
Second take on this tessellation, knowing how it works. Opus T-290.. I invented this variation 2020-07-09.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Integrity variation
Hybrid tessellation that blends triangles with the spirals. Opus T-306.. I invented this variation 2020-10-05.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Duality variation
Hybrid tessellation with two types of spirals. Opus T-301.. I invented this variation 2020-09-17.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-303 variation
Hybrid origami tessellation with octagon spirals and squares. Opus T-303.. I invented this variation 2020-10-17.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-311 variation
Combination corrugation with flat hexagons and curves. Opus T-311.. I invented this variation 2021-01-12.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-308 variation
Hybrid origami tessellation, Opus T-308.. I invented this variation 2020-10-06.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-312 variation
Hybrid origami tessellation. Opus T-312.. I invented this variation 2021-01-13.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Ursula variation
Hybrid origami tessellation, Opus T-305.. I invented this variation 2020-10-14.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-325 variation
Hybrid origami tessellation with spiral and straight folds. Opus T-325.. I invented this variation 2021-03-09.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Opus_T-324 variation
Hybrid tessellation with two types of spirals. Opus T-324.. I invented this variation 2021-03-02.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Miuration-3 variation
Opus T-273.. I invented this variation 2020-06-17.
1 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me