Merengue unit
Simple kusudama that is stable only because of the blown-up module. I invented this unit 2010-01-21
Merengue variation
Made of 1:2 strips. I invented this variation 2010-01-21.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Merengue_2-3 variation
Made of 2:3 strips. I invented this variation 2009-09-27.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Merengue_4-5 variation
Made of 4:5 strips. Is stable without blowing up. I invented this variation 2009-09-27.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Merengue_inside variation
Inverted Merengue unit. Made of 1:2 strips, though other proportions are available. Theoretically holds without glue, but practically it is rather challendging to put units together without glue.. I invented this variation 2009-09-27.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Macaron variation
Easy origami unit that reminds Merengue or Dog bone unit, but has closed pyramids between the bones.. I invented this variation 2015-04-12.
12 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me