Passiflora_caerulea unit
Units made of 1:2 strips. Each module has 4 petals on it, so various beautifil flowers appear in poluhedral forms. I invented this unit 2009-08-14
Passiflora_caerulea variation
Icosahedral form. Has 12 10-petaled flowers. I invented this variation 2009-08-14.
30 pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Passiflora_caerulea variation
Octahedral form. Has 8 6-petaled flowers. I invented this variation 2009-08-14.
12 pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Passiflora_caerulea variation
Dodecahedral form. Has 20 6-petaled flowers. I invented this variation 2009-08-14.
12 pieces, connection: glue, folded by me

Caerulea variation
No-glue variation of Passiflora Careulea unit. Made of 1:2 rectangle.. I invented this variation 2013-07-31.
12 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me