Stella_Rhombica unit
The series of universal rhombic modular origami units, that can be assembled in different ways. I invented this unit 2009-08-10
Stella_Rhombica variation
This variation is the best for dualside paper. The dodecahedral assembly.. I invented this variation 2009-08-10.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Stella_Rhombica variation
This variation is the best for dualside paper. The icosahedral assembly, needs some patience to assenble, but the result is very ornamental.. I invented this variation 2009-08-10.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Stella_Rhombica variation
The variation for harmony paper. Little petals can be curved. I invented this variation 2009-08-10.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me

Stella_Florica variation
Floral variation of Stella Rhombica. I invented this variation 2010-09-19.
30 pieces, connection: nothing, folded by me